Yes Coach Stephen...
with this package, I understand that I not only receive the popular Renegade
Mental Golf E-Manual, Two Pre-Round Peak Performance MP3s, and Three Renegade Golf Hypnosis MP3s, but I also receive the
6 FREE Bonuses worth over $300 during this limited time bonus special...
and I receive the entire package for a limited
offer one-time fee of only $57!
I understand also that if I am not satisfied with the package and the
results it produces, I have an 8-week unconditional money-back
But Wait!...Want an Even Better
Upgrade to the Platinum PLUS Package NOW, and you'll also receive these THREE ADDITIONAL popular Renegade Golf Hypnosis sessions for only $17 |
Renegade Golf In The Zone |

- Experience an entire round of golf, played to perfection,
in less than 20 minutes. This data will be stored in your subconscious
and will be unleashed into the "real world" the next time
you hit the links
- Enter into your FLOW STATE or THE ZONE on command, and stay there for the entire round
- Discover a simple move that will instantly induce a calm and relaxed state (this is a crucial skill to possess!). Release negative thoughts and feelings and actually ENJOY the game again.
- Play out-of-your-(conscious)-Mind Golf... become immune to distractions, stressors and competition
Renegade Golf Anger Management |
- Discover a "drop-dead simple" technique to slow your heart rate and calm your temper.
- Regroup almost instantly after a bad shot... and enter into the optimal mental state for success on your next shot.
- Play and LIVE in a calm and relaxed state (this is a crucial skill to possess!). Release negative thoughts and feelings and actually ENJOY the game again.
- Imbed the innate feeling of being a winner into every
fiber of your being, regardless of outside influences (this is the number one trait of all successful
Renegade Golf Rapid Recovery
- Do you suffer from low back aches and pains after a round of golf? Therapeutic Hypnosis has been proven by scientific research to speed up recovery from activity-induced low back pain.
- Rejuvenate tired and sore muscles... no more being sore and "achy" for 2-3 days after a round.
- Transform yourself into a more Parasympathetic Golfer... and boost your immune system.
- Eliminate down-time due to fatigue... get back on the course as much you want.
Heck Yes Coach - I'd like to take advantage of the Platinum PLUS Package, and claim my Three Additional Renegade Golf Hypnosis Sessions.
With The Platinum PLUS Package I will receive:
- The Renegade Golf Psychology E-Manual
- The Two Peak Performance Pre-Round Audio Coaching Sessions
- The Three Renegade Mental Golf Sessions in the Standard Platinum Package
- The Three Additional Hypnosis Sessions - Renegade Golf In The Zone, Renegade Golf Anger Management, and Renegade Golf Rapid Recovery
- The SIX Bonuses, including 60 Days of Personal Email Q & A

The Button Below to Order the Platinum PLUS Package for only $74.00
Get The Platinum PLUS Package for Only $74.00

All orders are
processed on a SECURE server.

Order Online 24 Hours A Day, 7
Days A Week,
365 Days A Year
I've decided to pass on the Platinum PLUS, and go with the
Standard Platinum Renegade Golf Package - including the
Renegade Golf E-Manual, The Two Peak Performance Pre-Round Coaching Sessions, The Three Hypnosis Sessions, and all of the Bonuses.
Get The Standard Platinum Package for Only $57.00 |
All orders are
processed on a SECURE server.

Order Online 24 Hours A Day, 7
Days A Week,
365 Days A Year