These golfers come from all over the world and represent all ages,
guys and gals.
Do you think they’re any different than you? No way.
They all wrestled with their golf game and EVERY SINGLE ONE of them used
the Renegade Mental Golf System to get fantastic results. Some were shooting
the games of their lives 20 minutes after using the system!
These folks are my heroes because they put their ego aside and took action
to improve their game. Some were cynical but they put aside their doubts
to give the system a chance – now they are free of anxiety, rocketing
tee shots straight downrange and draining putts like the pros on tour.
Now You Can Join These Winners At A Fraction Of
What My Personal Coaching Clients Pay!
What I’m about to do may land me in hot water with my private
clients. Look, I only teach this complete mental game to my highest-paying
students. They pay on average $250 an hour and are forced to pay a 2 hour
minimum to work with me. They pay $500 for a short afternoon of instruction
because they get results that make them giggle like school girls…
So, when they hear that I’m offering you the Renegade Mental Golf
System at a fraction of what they paid (just last weekend) they will not
be happy.
Here’s the deal: My complete course would normally be priced at
least $500. However, I’ve been able to convert the whole system
into downloadable format – so you don’t have to pay for a
glossy printed version. Also, you can download the entire system directly
to your computer which allows me to pass on the shipping savings to you
Although I can’t be with you in person, the 5 Audio CDs and instructional
manual are the next best thing…
This means I can offer you the complete Renegade Mental Golf System
for just $57. You can securely pay for the system with a credit
card and be using the System within the next 5 minutes…
Also, this is a one-time cost – no hidden membership fees or other
You should race to the order button now – because this is the best
deal you’re going to get on a golfing tool this powerful.
It gets better – your $57 investment isn’t at risk
You're Protected By My “No-Risk
60 Day
100% Money Back Guarantee” |
It’s simple: Order and download the complete Renegade
Mental Golf System. Listen to the Audio CDs and devour the
instructional manual. When you’re ready – play a round
of golf, hit a bucket of balls or line up a few problem putts on
the practice green.
Pay close attention to how you feel. If you aren't
noticeably more confident, focused, and dialed in on your game then
you are entitled to a 100% money back refund! Just send me an email
and I will promptly refund your money. No forms, support phone
lines or other hoops to jump through. You can even keep the
course AND the bonuses.
Why am I being so generous? I am doing this because every single
golfer that has put the System to work on their golf game has been
thrilled with the results. They’ve written me love notes
and sent in videos and left me voice-mails explaining how the system
has taken their game to a new level.
I'm sure that the System will work for you too... I'm staking
my reputation on it. |
One more thing
Just in case you need expert coaching on other parts of your game –
I’ll Send You $167 Worth of
My Best Instructional Videos,
Techniques and Must-Have Power Game Strategies
I’ve decided to stuff this offer with a hand-picked
goodie pile of coaching must-haves. I’ll give you access to them
for free the moment you order the Renegade Mental Golf System.
This is what’s included:
Report – “Before Getting to the First Tee” by Sean Cochran
– Phil Mickelson’s Golf Fitness Trainer
Elite PGA Pros know that the game actually starts before you get to the
first tee. The 9th hole is NOT the time to run out of gas. Sean Cochran
will show you the techniques that the pros use to start AND finish 18
holes strong.
Special Report – “Getting the Most Out
Of Your Golf Game While Traveling”

Golf, like any sport, requires some constant practice to keep your edge.
But what do you do if your travel schedule keeps you off the range? No
problem! I got Sean to write a quick guide with easy drills to keep you
sharp on the road.
Special Report – “The Top Ten Golf Fitness Exercises”

Superior conditioning is one reason why my students consistently crush
it on the course. My students can blast cruise missiles off the tee all
day long AND have the fine motor control to drill perfect iron shots.
My secret weapon is an arsenal of specialized Fitness exercises
pioneered by Susan Hill. You’ll get to see for yourself why Susan
is one of the most sought-after golf fitness coaches in the country.
Special Report – “How Traditional Cardio Exercises is Making
You ‘Golf Stupid’ and Crippling Your Shots Off the Tee –
and What to Do Instead.

If you are peddling away for 30 minutes on a stationary bike or jogging
12 miles per week in hopes of improving your golf game - you are wasting
your time! Find out the secret to golf cardio that actually increases
your power (both physical and mental) AND is incredibly time efficient
(less than 13 minutes per session).
Special Report – “How to Improve Your Game WITHOUT Practice
– By Craig Sigl

Whoa – this report is pure dynamite. But I respect Craig Sigl and
his no-practice techniques are pure gold. If you don’t have time
to slave over buckets of balls at the range then you’ll love this
controversial little manifesto!
Bonus Audio CD – “Hypnotic Weight Loss Hypnosis for Golfers”

That’s right – we’re putting an additional hypnosis
CD in the package from our popular Weigh Loss Program. Why don’t
you kill 2 birds with one stone? While you are training your subconscious
for elite level performance – go ahead and use the SAME TECHNIQUES
to effortlessly drop a few pounds too!
Additional Bonus - FREE Upgrades for LIFE!
We are constantly exploring new methods and technologies in alternative sports psychology. You will get immediate access to all new materials, whether that be a new or re-worked chapter in the manual, or additional hypnosis tracks that are added to the program. You get any and all upgrades to this program FOR LIFE.
I’m Not Done Yet! I Have One
More $200 Bonus But It Has A Catch…
Look –
You may need a little more help than the next guy. I understand that a
manual and 4 CDs and a bucket-full of special reports may not take you
all the way to your peak of golfing greatness. You’ll probably need
to ask me a few questions. I get it.
That’s why I’m offering 30 Day Email Coaching spots
for 50 quick-acting students.
Here’s how it works –
If you have any questions about your game…how to get more distance
off the tee, putting green confidence or some insider tips on winning
the Club scramble (or win more bets) then send us an email.
We’ll do our best to get you a detailed answer back within 48 hours.
Now, here’s the catch –
We take these questions very seriously, so we spend more time than we
should on crafting detailed answers. This means that we can only take
50 students. The 51st student is put on a waiting list – NO EXCEPTIONS.
The BEST WAY to lock-in your spot is to move quickly and order the Renegade
Mental Golf System pronto!
We’ve Covered All the Bases
– Now It’s Up To You
Go ahead and click the order button and tell me to rush
you the download information for the Renegade Mental Golf System. You’ll
be able to get started right away.

But, I do have one favor to ask. Don’t be a stranger.
Once you see the System work for you, please take a moment to send us
an email telling us about the success you’re having.
Let’s get to it!
Stephen & Bill
Renegade Mental Golf System
P.S. Go ahead and order right now while this is fresh
on your mind. There’s no risk and with our guarantee, you can test
drive the system for 60 full days. I am not sure how long you’ll
be able to purchase the course for just $57 – so don’t let
this chance to supercharge your game pass you buy. Click the order button
below now!
P.P.S. We are a real business located in Columbus, Ohio USA. Our company name is Renegade Golf (which is part of our parent company The Human Form Fitness LLC), and you can contact me (Stephen Ladd) any time on (614) 487-1440 or at CoachStephen(AT)
P.P.P.S. - I've gone to every length to be as descriptive as possible of what you'll find in The Renegade Golf Psychology System, but in the event you have any more questions, I've included an FAQ that I think will help you out.
Renegade Golf Psychology FAQ
Q: Is my credit card information safe?
That is a great question! I understand that many people are still just now making their first purchases online and are a little nervous about using their credit cards on the Internet. These days, online payment processors have advanced to the point that they are actually MORE secure than many other forms of payment.
In many ways, ordering online is actually a safer method of payment than giving out the info on the phone or on a mail-in stub, where an actual human is going to have access to your info. With a secure online form, a human will not have access to your info, only the merchant bank.
Our merchant account uses SSL (secure socket layer) technology to protect your information from being viewed by any third parties. Even as the website owner myself, I don't have access to any credit card information that you input for the order. Only the bank processes the information.
We use Clickbank to process our orders. Clickbank is the most popular and frequently used credit card processing company in the world for online downloadable products. Clickbank has an outstanding reputation and security has never been a problem.
You'll notice that when you get to the page where you are inputting your card numbers, the beginning of the web URL will change from http to https. That indicates that you are on a secure page and the info cannot be found by a 3rd party. Keep that in mind on any websites where you are using your credit card. Always look for the https at the beginning of the web address on the actual page where the card info is requested.
Q: What if The Renegade Golf Psychology System doesn't work for me?
Then it's free. Our system has been tested in the real world with golfers at all levels of experience and training, with overwhelming success. We are confident that it will work for you as well. If, on the off chance, you're not thrilled with your results after using the system for 60 days, we'll promptly refund 100% of your investment. You can even keep the entire system and all the bonus materials.
Q: Will this system work for a beginner as well as an advanced golfer?
Yes! Although some of the specific mental game challenges are different for beginners and elite golfers, our techniques are easily adapted to your individual needs. The two basic goals of our system are the same regardless of your experience level: 1) Empower you to control your mental/emotional states and 2) Program your subconscious mind for golf success. These “super-human” skills and thought patterns will serve you well if your goal is to break 100 or win your Tour Card.
Q: How long does it take for The Renegade Golf Psychology System to arrive?
No more than about 1-3 minutes (the only variable is your Internet provider). As soon as you complete your purchase, you'll be given instant access to E-Manual and Audio Hypnosis Sessions in the system. No need to wait and wait until it arrives in the mail, or pay additional fees for shipping.
Q: Does it matter what country I'm in and is the sale in US dollars?
You can order online no matter what country you're located in. We've processed orders from over 63 countries so far. Our secure credit card processor will automatically convert the US dollars to your country's currency.
Order Online 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days
A Week,
365 Days A Year
orders are processed on a SECURE server.
NOTE: The Renegade Golf Psychology System is a completely downloadable product of an E-manual and audio files. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download all product components onto your computer (no waiting or shipping costs!). The format for all E-Manual is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC. The hypnosis audio are MP3s, also compatible with both Mac and PC.
Please read our Renegade disclaimer: Due to recent statements from the FTC, it is required that we identify what a typical result is. The truth: most people never do anything with the products they buy, so most of the time, their typical results are zero. However, assuming that you actually apply the techniques and strategies in our system, we except your results to be anything but typical. Bottom line: results vary from person to person based on a variety of factors. You are not guaranteed to obtain the same results as the golfers in the above testimonials, just because you purchase our system... YOU are the most important variable. |